Sunday, December 13, 2009

shine on

oh little blog how i have been neglecting you lately.
let me introduce you to my least favorite friend: finals week.
but now the worst is over (i think i hope i pray) and i can bring you pretty shiny things again.
soon you will meet my most favorite friend, winter break, and i promise i'll pay more attention to you then.

plus you know you can't stay mad at me after you see this:

sure, you might just call them "shoes with little mirrors on them"
but you know they're way more interesting than that.
seriously. is this a possible DIY?
i need these.

other shoe art (you can't simply call these "shoes". at least not while uggs are still called the same thing) by Andreia Chaves

1 comment:

  1. The invisible shoes look cool until you notice the edges around the ankle... just saying.
